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Reminder  Town Recycling Center hours of operation change as of Labor Day – open only  on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (noon).


Road Closure Notice

The US Forest Service is tentatively planning to begin replacement of the bridge over the Little Moose River on FR 174 the last week of August. Once closed , the contractor will have 30 days to reopen road. The contract completion date is 11/13/2020



 November 3, 2020 General and Presidential Election


Once again the Town of Round Lake will be taking all precautions to ensure the safety of voters and poll workers.

Absentee Ballots are encouraged and can be obtained through  is for use by anyone wishing to request an absentee ballot  – there is no requirement to request an Absentee Ballot – anyone can do so.  

There will be a drop box located at the Town Hall for anyone voting absentee to return their ballots directly vs. by a mail.



In person Voting will be by Machine only – each voter will be given a new pen/ combination stylus  which can be  used to sign the poll book and than use the stylus to vote on the machine.  


Social distancing will be maintained – the public is urged to cooperate with 6 foot requirement.  You are to check in – vote and leave the Polling place immediately . Please help us ensure the safety of everyone voting and our dedicated poll workers by wearing a mask.


Entrance will be through the front door Only and exit by side/back door.  Stringent Sanitation of voting area and all surfaces will be maintained though out the election.

Only two voters will be allowed in the hall at any one time – as to limit contact with others and maintain required 6 feet distancing.

   If you have any questions or need assistance with obtaining an absentee ballot please contact the town office.


Thank you for your cooperation

Kathy McCoy – Clerk